几日来,屡次发现来自美国的陌生IP,来路 https://www.google.cn,搜索关键词为 site:blog.tianya.cn post_show,有时还会加上eshiyi字样,这样隔三岔五来我博访问一次,我依葫芦画瓢却怎么也指向不到我的博客,感觉甚是蹊跷。
Come out!I have seen you already.
Few days ago,I saw an unfamiliar IP frequently from the United States of https://www.google.cn,the search keywords is site: blog.tianya.cn post_show, sometimes eshiyi would be added.It visit my blog now and again, but how I simulated it also point less than my blog. I feel terrible amazedly.
The following is the record of the last IP:
Reportedly, the web is powerful, then please the owner of this strange IP left out your voice! Tell me your needs, perhaps this IP will become the familiar IP for me.